
Word Biblical Commentary, Volume 28: Ezekiel 1–19 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Delve deep into the language, structure, and background of the mysterious prophecies of Ezekiel. Allen’s mastery of Hebrew provides a fresh translation and is accompanied by notes interpreting the significance of textual variants. Focusing on the meaning of the text, Allen illuminates the historical setting of the book and explains the role of the prophet with clarity and precision.

their mother’s ugly likeness. The notion is a development of the two sisters, Judah and Israel or Jerusalem and Samaria, in the preexilic oracles of 23:2–27, 32–34. 46–47 Structurally, this pair of verses expresses in brief what vv 48–51bα will expand into a fuller form (cf. Parunak, “Structural Studies” 262, who excludes v 51bα). Both the abstract and the expansion claim that Jerusalem’s sin was worse than that of Samaria or Sodom. These two fallen cities were notorious for their sins that led to
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